Show Your Work 03

10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered


Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

Get the knowledge flowing and circulating! :)


Share Something Small Everyday.

Send out a Daily Dispatch.

“Put yourself, and your work, out there every day, and you’ll start meeting some amazing people.”
—Bobby Solomon

Overnight success is a myth. Dig into almost every overnight success story and you’ll find about a decade’s worth of hard work and perseverance. Building a substantial body of work takes a long time—a lifetime, really—but thankfully, you don’t need that time all in one big chunk. So forget about decades, forget about years, and forget about months. Focus on days.

Words & phrases


  • v.派遣;发送;迅速处理,迅速办妥;杀死,处决

  • n.派遣,发送;公文,急件;报道,电讯;杀死,除掉

The dispatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.


daily dispatch 每日派送:指每天定期发送或分发物品、信息或任务。

  • The newspaper company ensures the daily dispatch of newspapers to subscribers.

  • 报纸公司确保向订阅者每日派送报纸。

dig into: 深入研究或揭示信息:通过研究某物来尝试学习或揭示信息。

The journalist decided to dig into the politician's past to uncover any scandals.



  • adv.在夜间,在晚上;突然,一夜之间

  • adj.夜间的,只供一夜的;突然的,一夜之间的

  • v.过夜;<美>连夜快递(货物)

  • n.一夜的逗留

I camped overnight in a field.


perseverance / ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪrəns / n.毅力,不屈不挠的精神

He has never stopped trying and showed great perseverance.



  • adj.大量的,价值巨大的;牢固的,结实的;基本的,实质性的;(饭菜)丰盛的;重要的,真实的;有地位的,富有的

  • n.重要材料

There has been a substantial amount of factionalism within the movement.



  • n.大块,厚块;大量,大部分;话语组成部分,组块;矮胖的(男)人

  • v.将……分成数份;将……组合(或归类);扔,抛;发出“砰啷”声;切分,切割(数据)

The next time you see a chunk of seaweed … notice the beauty of it.




The day is the only unit of time that I can really get my head around. Seasons change, weeks are completely human-made, but the day has a rhythm. The sun goes up; the sun goes down. I can handle that.

Words & phrases

get my head around sth 让我把…搞清楚

get my head around: 理解,接受:努力理解或接受某事物,尤其是复杂或困难的事物。

It took me a while to get my head around the new software.




Once a day, after you’ve done your day’s work, go back to your documentation and find one little piece of your process that you can share. Where you are in your process will determine what that piece is. If you’re in the very early stages, share your influences and what’s inspiring you. If you’re in the middle of executing a project, write about your methods or share works in progress. If you’ve just completed a project, show the final product, share scraps from the cutting-room floor, or write about what you learned. If you have lots of projects out into the world, you can report on how they’re doing—you can tell stories about how people are interacting with your work.

Words & phrases

cutting-room: (电影)剪接室

Her scene ended up on the cutting room floor.




  • 如果在工作早期,分享是什么激励了你;

  • 如果是项目中期,分享一些方法和过程性工作;

  • 如果刚刚完成一个项目,分享最后的成品;分享片段或者学习成长的内容;

  • 如果有很多项目,就报道一下他们在做什么,告诉一下人们如何能够和你取得连接。

A daily dispatch is even better than a résumé or a portfolio, because it shows what we’re working on right now. When the artist Ze Frank was interviewing job candidates, he complained, “When I ask them to show me work, they show me things from school, or from another job, but I’m more interested in what they did last weekend.” A good daily dispatch is like getting all the DVD extras before a movie comes out—you get to watch deleted scenes and listen to director’s commentary while the movie is being made.

Words & phrases


  • n.公文包,画夹;(成册展示的)作品集,照片集;(个人或机构的)投资组合;(部长或大臣的)职责,职务;(公司或机构提供的)系列产品,成套物品

  • adj.(职业类型)短期合同制的,兼职的

Have a portfolio of your work that can link theory to practice.


extras: n.附加设备;额外部分;另外收费的部分(extra 的复数)

There are no hidden extras.


commentary: n.现场解说,实况报道;评注性著作,评论文;讨论,评论;说明,写照

You can hear commentary on the game at halftime.




The form of what you share doesn’t matter. Your daily dispatch can be anything you want—a blog post, an email, a tweet, a YouTube video, or some other little bit of media. There’s no one-size-fits-all plan for everybody.

Words & phrases

one-size-fits-all: adj.通用的

When education becomes one-size-fits-all, it risks overlooking a nation's diversity of gifts.




Social media sites are the perfect place to share daily updates. Don’t worry about being on every platform; pick and choose based on what you do and the people you’re trying to reach. Filmmakers hang out on YouTube or Vimeo. Businesspeople, for some strange reason, love LinkedIn. Writers love Twitter. Visual artists tend to like Tumblr, Instagram, or Facebook. The landscape is constantly changing, and new platforms are always popping up . . . and disappearing.

Words & phrases

landscape is constantly changing: 环境在持续地变化;形势在不断变化

It's hard to stay ahead of the game in network security when the landscape is constantly changing.


pop up: 突然出现:指某物在没有预警的情况下突然出现。

As noted above, indifferent relationships may not always be the most helpful approach in resolving some of the issues that pop up at work.




Don’t be afraid to be an early adopter—jump on a new platform and see if there’s something interesting you can do with it. If you can’t find a good use for a platform, feel free to abandon it. Use your creativity. Film critic Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, takes photos of his day-to-day life and posts them to Instagram under @blindfilmcritic. He’s followed by more than 30,000 people!

Words & phrases

adopter: n.养父母;(新技术)应用者;接受管

Early adopter buyers tend to be picky consumers.


critic: n.批评家,评论员;批评者,反对……的人

Turner is a writer and critic.




A lot of social media is just about typing into boxes. What you type into the box often depends on the prompt. Facebook asks you to indulge yourself, with questions like “How are you feeling?” or “What’s on your mind?” Twitter’s is hardly better: “What’s happening?” I like the tagline at “What are you working on?” Stick to that question and you’ll be good. Don’t show your lunch or your latte; show your work.

Words & phrases

prompt / prɑːmpt /

  • v.促使,导致;鼓励,提示(说话者);(计算机上)提示;(给演员)提词,提白

  • adj.迅速的,立刻的;(人)利索的,敏捷的;及时的,准时的;(商品)即期要送的,即期要付的

  • n.(给演员的)提词;(计算机屏幕上显示准备接受指令的)提示; 鼓励,催促;(付款通知单上的)付款期限

  • adv.准时地

There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment.


indulge: / ɪnˈdʌldʒ / v.沉湎,沉溺;纵容,迁就;满足(情感、兴趣、欲望等);参加,参与(尤指违法活动)

Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine.


indulge yourself: 放纵自己:给自己一些特别的享受或满足,通常是指在某些方面过度或过分地享受。

Sometimes it's okay to indulge yourself with a little treat.


tagline n.标语;品牌口号

His favorite funny tagline,"Never wrestle with a pig."


Dribbble n.追波(设计网站名)

Stick to


If you want to succeed, you've got to stick to it and not give up.



Please stick to the script/subject/rules.



latte n.热牛奶咖啡,拿铁咖啡

'Latte' is a loanword from Italian.

latte 是借自意大利语的外来词。



Don’t worry about everything you post being perfect. Science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon once said that 90 percent of everything is crap. The same is true of our own work. The trouble is, we don’t always know what’s good and what sucks.That’s why it’s important to get things in front of others and see how they react. “Sometimes you don’t always know what you’ve got,” says artist Wayne White. “It really does need a little social chemistry to make it show itself to you sometimes.”

Words & phrases


  • n.胡扯,废话;蹩脚货,废物;不公正的待遇;粪便,屎;拉屎;双骰子赌博游戏(同 craps);(在双骰子赌博戏中)输去赌注的一掷(掷出2, 3或12点)

  • v.拉屎;(长时间地)胡扯;<非正式>掷骰子输去赌注;(因害怕或疲劳)退出比赛(或活动);失败;(机器)坏掉

  • adj.质量差的,蹩脚的;不熟练的

She later said the book was "crap."


sucks: <非正式>糟糕,差劲;

it sucks(烂透了)



Don’t say you don’t have enough time. We’re all busy, but we all get 24 hours a day. People often ask me, “How do you find the time for all this?” And I answer, “I look for it.” You find time the same place you find spare change: in the nooks and crannies. You find it in the cracks between the big stuff—your commute, your lunch break, the few hours after your kids go to bed. You might have to miss an episode of your favorite TV show, you might have to miss an hour of sleep, but you can find the time if you look for it. I like to work while the world is sleeping, and share while the world is at work.

Words & phrases


  • adj.备用的,外加的;不用的,闲置的;空闲的,空余的;多余的;简单的,简朴的;瘦的,瘦高的;少量的;节约的

  • v.抽出,拿出(时间、金钱等);饶恕,赦免;省得,免去;节约,吝惜;保证(或满足)自己的需要(spare oneself);剩余,剩下(时间、金钱或空间);分让;删节

  • n.备用品;(车辆或机器的)零件,备件;(十柱保龄球戏中的)二击全倒

He could have taken a spare key.


spare change 零钱:某人不需要的少量钱。

I always keep some spare change in my pocket in case I need to buy something small.


nooks and crannies / nʊks ənd ˈkræniz / 每个角落和缝隙:用于描述一个地方非常小或复杂,需要仔细搜索或探索。

The old house was full of nooks and crannies, making it a perfect place for hide-and-seek.


episode n.一段经历,一段时期;(电视剧或广播剧的)集,一集;疾病的发作,发病;插句,插段;(希腊悲剧中)两段合唱之间的部分

The final episode will be shown next Sunday.




Of course, don’t let sharing your work take precedence over actually doing your work. If you’re having a hard time balancing the two, just set a timer for 30 minutes. Once the timer goes off, kick yourself off the Internet and get back to work.

Words & phrases

precedence: / ˈpresɪdəns / n.(重要性或地位的)领先,优先权;地位先后,级别高低

All existing supplies of helium ought to be conserved and released only by permit, with medical uses receiving precedence over other commercial or recreational demands.


take precedence over 优先于:比其他事物更重要或更优先

When it comes to allocating resources, the needs of the most vulnerable populations should take precedence over other considerations.


set a timer for 30 minutes: 将定时器设定为...

Do it: With your next task, set a timer for 30 minutes and see how far you can get!


go off: 爆炸;突然发生;离开;经历衰退;按预期进行;发出特定的声音

He heard the alarm go off.


kick sb off: 将某人踢下(某个地方或团队):强制某人离开某个地方或团队。

kick off: 开始:指开始一个比赛或活动。

The concert will kick off at 8pm.




“One day at a time. It sounds so simple. It actually is simple but it isn’t easy: It requires incredible support and fastidious structuring.”
—Russell Brand

Words & phrases

incredible: adj.不可思议的,难以置信的;惊人的,极大的,极多的;了不起的,极好的

"It was incredible," Kurt says, suddenly aglow.


fastidious: adj.挑剔的;苛求的,难取悦的;(微生物等)需要复杂营养地

Everything was planned in fastidious detail.



The "So What?" Test

Make no mistake: This is not your diary. You are not letting it all hang out. You are picking and choosing every single word.”
—Dani Shapiro

Words & phrases

make no mistake: 强调某个陈述的真实性或准确性

Make no mistake, this is a difficult task.


let it all hang out: 放松并无忧无虑:放松自己,不再拘束。

After a long week of work, I just want to let it all hang out and have some fun.



Always remember that anything you post to the Internet has now become public. “The Internet is a copy machine,” writes author Kevin Kelly. “Once anything that can be copied is brought into contact with the Internet, it will be copied, and those copies never leave.” Ideally, you want the work you post online to be copied and spread to every corner of the Internet, so don’t post things online that you’re not ready for everyone in the world to see. As publicist Lauren Cerand says, “Post as though everyone who can read it has the power to fire you.”

Words & phrases

ideally adv.理想地;观念上地

People should, ideally, be persuaded to eat a diet with much less fat or oil.




Be open, share imperfect and unfinished work that you want feedback on, but don’t share absolutely everything. There’s a big, big difference between sharing and over-sharing.

Words & phrases

absolutely everything: 一切,所有的事物:表示包括每一件事物或事情。

I have packed absolutely everything I need for the trip.




The act of sharing is one of generosity—you’re putting something out there because you think it might be helpful or entertaining to someone on the other side of the screen.

Words & phrases

generosity n.慷慨,大方

We were amazed by his generosity.


I had a professor in college who returned our graded essays, walked up to the chalkboard, and wrote in huge letters: “SO WHAT?” She threw the piece of chalk down and said, “Ask yourself that every time you turn in a piece of writing.” It’s a lesson I never forgot.

Words & phrases

chalkboard n.黑板

The instructor writes an important term on the chalkboard, and you dutifully copy it in your notebook.


Always be sure to run everything you share with others through The “So What?” Test. Don’t overthink it; just go with your gut. If you’re unsure about whether to share something, let it sit for 24 hours. Put it in a drawer and walk out the door. The next day, take it out and look at it with fresh eyes. Ask yourself, “Is this helpful? Is it entertaining? Is it something I’d be comfortable with my boss or my mother seeing?” There’s nothing wrong with saving things for later. The save as draft button is like a prophylactic—it might not feel as good in the moment, but you’ll be glad you used it in the morning.

Words & phrases

Run your program through a test case and let it exit.


In both workflows, in Step 1, the user chooses to run an automated test through the Web client.


go with your gut 凭直觉做决定:根据自己的直觉或第一感觉来做决定或采取行动。

Then I suggest you go with your gut instinct.



  • n.肠,肠道;内脏;<非正式>勇气,魄力;(尤指大的)胃,肚子;直觉,本能;核心,实质;肠线;<非正式>(机器或设备的)内部零件;狭道,狭海峡

  • v.取出……的内脏(以便烹饪);毁坏(建筑物)的内部

  • adj.感情的,本能的

Let's have your gut reaction to the facts as we know them.


let it sit 让它静置:指让某物保持不动或不干预,以便其自然发生或达到最佳状态。

  • After applying the hair dye, you need to let it sit for 30 minutes.

  • 涂抹染发剂后,你需要让其静置30分钟。

prophylactic / ˌproʊfəˈlæktɪk /

  • adj.预防性的,预防疾病的

  • n.预防性药物(或器具、措施);预防法;避孕用具

Vaccination and other prophylactic measures can be carried out.


在分享的时候,如果左右为难,就暂存一下,第二天再问问自己,如果分享了之后,别人听到了又怎样?这就是"so what"测试。没问题就分享!谨记,这个测试是非常有用的!

Turn Your Flow into Stock.

“If you work on something a little bit every day, you end up with something that is massive.”
—Kenneth Goldsmith


Stock and flow” is an economic concept that writer Robin Sloan has adapted into a metaphor for media: “Flow is the feed. It’s the posts and the tweets. It’s the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that remind people you exist. Stock is the durable stuff. It’s the content you produce that’s as interesting in two months (or two years) as it is today. It’s what people discover via search. It’s what spreads slowly but surely, building fans over time.” Sloan says the magic formula is to maintain your flow while working on your stock in the background.

Words & phrases

Stock and flow 存量与流量:存量是指在某一特定时间点上的累积量,而流量是指在一段时间内的变化量。存量和流量是经济学、物流和其他领域中常用的概念。

The relationship between stock and flow is crucial for understanding the dynamics of a system.


metaphor n.隐喻,暗喻;象征,标志

This metaphor is very appropriate.



  • v.饲养,喂养,为……提供食物;以……为食物,吃食;提供(意见或信息等),灌输;施肥;添加燃料;把……放进机器,将……塞进机器;加深,强化;使(缓慢平稳地)移动,使穿过(有限的空间);<非正式>维持,满足(习惯);传球;流入,进入

  • n.哺乳,喂养;动物的饲料,植物的肥料;(机器的)进料装置;(机器、设备的)原料供给;(卫星或网络)转播,(信号)传输;(计算机)订阅源;(给舞台演员的)提词,提白;<非正式>丰盛的一餐

Can you feed the cat, please?


sub-daily: adj.次日的,低于每日的:指在一天内发生或完成的事物,或低于每日的频率。

The subdaily fluctuations in temperature can affect plant growth.



保持流量,积累存量!存量是你生产的,一直有价值的东西,它随着时间给你带来朋友;流量是反馈,是提醒你的朋友,你还存在。 这段说的真好!

In my experience, your stock is best made by collecting, organizing, and expanding upon your flow. Social media sites function a lot like public notebooks—they’re places where we think out loud, let other people think back at us, then hopefully think some more. But the thing about keeping notebooks is that you have to revisit them in order to make the most out of them. You have to flip back through old ideas to see what you’ve been thinking. Once you make sharing part of your daily routine, you’ll notice themes and trends emerging in what you share. You’ll find patterns in your flow.

Words & phrases


  • n.功能,职责;宴会,典礼;函数,应变量;由其他事情造成的结果;子例行程序,子例程;官能团,功能团

  • v.工作,运转;行使职责,发挥功能

Breathing is an automatic function of the body.


flip back 翻跟头:一种翻跟头的动作,包括向后翻转并落在双脚上。

He did a flip back and landed perfectly on his feet.




  • 但是保存笔记本的问题是你必须重新审视它们,以便最大限度地利用它们。你必须回顾一下以前的想法,看看你一直在想什么。一旦你分享你的日常,你将会从你分享的内容中注意到你的主题和趋势。你会发现你流量中的pattern。


When you detect these patterns, you can start gathering these bits and pieces and turn them into something bigger and more substantial. You can turn your flow into stock. For example, a lot of the ideas in this book started out as tweets, which then became blog posts, which then became book chapters. Small things, over time, can get big.

Words & phrases

bits and pieces


The room was cluttered with bits and pieces of old furniture.



She swept up the bits and pieces of broken glass from the floor.



  • adj.大量的,价值巨大的;牢固的,结实的;基本的,实质性的;(饭菜)丰盛的;重要的,真实的;有地位的,富有的

  • n.重要材料

He made substantial donations to charity.


start out as 起初是,最初是:指某人或某物在开始时具有某种身份、职业或状态,后来可能发展成为其他形式或角色。

Daly was a fast-talking Irish-American who had started out as a salesman.



当你侦察到这些模式的时候,你可以开始聚集这些零碎物品成一个更大更牢固的东西。 你可以把流量转换为存量:比如这本书里的许多idea都是从tweets中衍生出来的。慢慢变成了posts,最后变成了chapters,现在成了books。

Build a Good (Domain) Name.

Carving out a space for yourself online, somewhere where you can express yourself and share your work, is still one of the best possible investments you can make with your time.”
—Andy Baio

Words & phrases

carve out 创造:通过刻苦努力或仿佛切割一样创造(声誉、机会、角色、职位、事业、胜利)等。

Carve out an hour in your day.




Social networks are great, but they come and go. (Remember Myspace? Friendster? GeoCities?) If you’re really interested in sharing your work and expressing yourself, nothing beats owning your own space online, a place that you control, a place that no one can take away from you, a world headquarters where people can always find you.

Words & phrases

come and go


People come and go in this city, it's hard to keep track of everyone.



Opportunities come and go, so seize the moment when it arrives.


Friendster n.交友网站

The story of Friendster became a textbook case of how not to manage a startup.


headquarters n.总部,总公司;司令部,指挥部

They located their headquarters in Swindon.




More than 10 years ago, I staked my own little Internet claim and bought the domain name I was a complete amateur with no skills when I began building my website: It started off bare bones and ugly. Eventually, I figured out how to install a blog, and that changed everything. A blog is the ideal machine for turning flow into stock: One little blog post is nothing on its own, but publish a thousand blog posts over a decade, and it turns into your life’s work My blog has been my sketchbook, my studio, my gallery, my storefront, and my salon. Absolutely everything good that has happened in my career can be traced back to my blog. My books, my art shows, my speaking gigs, some of my best friendships—they all exist because I have my own little piece of turf on the Internet.

Words & phrases

stake a claim: 主张所有权:采取行动,主张对某物的所有权

That is the most common way to stake a claim to ownership of land in the Amazon.



  • n.业余爱好者;生手,外行

  • adj.非专业的,业余爱好的;不熟练的

She was a keen amateur photographer.


bare bones: 基本要素:某物的基本要素,没有详细描述。

The report only provided the bare bones of the proposal.


sketchbook n.小品集;写生簿;随笔集

The stage is your workspace. It can be a studio, a desk, or a sketchbook.


storefront n.[贸易] 店面;店头

They run their business from a small storefront.


salon: n.美发厅,美容院;高级服装店,时装店;<旧>(大宅中的)客厅,会客室;沙龙(旧时作家、艺术家等在名流家中定期举行的聚会);沙龙画展(Salon)

She received a cosmetic makeover at a beauty salon as a birthday gift.



  • n.轻便两轮马车;(爵士乐、摇滚乐等)演奏会;鱼叉(gig 的复数)

  • v.乘坐轻便两轮马车;用鱼叉捕鱼(gig 的三单形式)

The band is currently planning a series of stateside gigs.



  • n.草皮;泥炭;跑马场

  • vt.覆草皮于;驱逐;强制赶走

They shuffled slowly down the turf toward the cliff's edge.


on my own turf: 在我自己的地盘上

So it's ironic that now they're trying to protect their own turf.



我也要学搭个人blog!必须要学!用blog感知世界!(touch the world)

So, if you get one thing out of this book make it this: Go register a domain name. Buy www.[insert your name here].com. If your name is common, or you don’t like your name, come up with a pseudonym or an alias, and register that. Then buy some web hosting and build a website. (These things sound technical, but they’re really not—a few Google searches and some books from the library will show you the way.) If you don’t have the time or inclination to build your own site, there’s a small army of web designers ready to help you. Your website doesn’t have to look pretty; it just has to exist.

Words & phrases

pseudonym / ˈsuːdənɪm / n.笔名;假名

She writes under a pseudonym.


alias / ˈeɪliəs /

  • adv.又名,化名(尤指演员或罪犯)

  • n.(尤指罪犯所用的)化名,别名;(文件、互联网地址等用的)别名,假名;假频伪信号

  • v.错误识别(信号频率),使失真

He checked into the hotel under an alias.


inclination n.倾向,意愿;趋向,趋势;斜坡,斜度;轻微向下的动作;轨道交角

She showed no inclination to go.



所以,如果你能从这本书中得到一样东西,那就是这个。 随便就能搭建一个blog,只要你想。search + some book will make it.

Don’t think of your website as a self-promotion machine, think of it as a self-invention machine. Online, you can become the person you really want to be. Fill your website with your work and your ideas and the stuff you care about. Over the years, you will be tempted to abandon it for the newest, shiniest social network. Don’t give in. Don’t let it fall into neglect. Think about it in the long term. Stick with it, maintain it, and let it change with you over time.

Words & phrases

self-invention n.自我塑造:指一个人通过自我发现、学习和改变,创造出一个新的、更好的自我形象。

His life is a story of self-invention.


be tempted to: 受诱惑做某事

Don't be tempted to cheat—you'll never get away with it.


fall into

  • 1.快速掉入(某物);

  • 2.陷入(不活跃或不理想的状态或条件)

  • 3.属于(特定类别或范围);

  • 4.被困在(陷阱);

  • 5.开始:开始做或经历某事,或受到某事的影响,而不是想或试图。

The problems generally fall into two categories.



不要把website想象成自我提升的机器。应该把它当成自我发现、学习和改变的机器。 不要轻易放弃它,不要抛弃它。Stick with it. Let it change with you!

When she was young and starting out, Patti Smith got this advice from William Burroughs: “Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don’t make compromises. Don’t worry about making a bunch of money or being successful. Be concerned with doing good work . . . and if you can build a good name, eventually that name will be its own currency.”

The beauty of owning your own turf is that you can do whatever you want with it. Your domain name is your domain. You don’t have to make compromises. Build a good domain name, keep it clean, and eventually it will be its own currency. Whether people show up or they don’t, you’re out there, doing your thing, ready whenever they are.

Words & phrases

make compromise 妥协:在不同意见或需求之间达成折衷,双方都做出一定的让步。

In order to reach an agreement, both parties need to make compromises.


be concerned with 关注;担忧;涉及

Women hate it most, since girls are pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all kinds.


currency n.通货,货币;通用,流行;现时性

Its currency is pegged to the dollar.



